GO BOX Storage Donates More Books


Sally Fallon Morell’s new book on baby and child care.

GO BOX Storage has donated three more books to the Kamloops Public Library. Over the years, GO BOX Storage has donated other books. If you would like to see the complete list please see Recommended Reading List.


We are aware that greywater is not presently allowed in the City of Kamloops. We hope Art Ludwig’s books in the local library will foster conversation and increase awareness of the benefits of greywater in dry climates.

The government officials are concerned that greywater could be a “health hazard”. I find it interesting that I can spray pesticide, herbicide and fungicide and that’s legal, but reclaiming water from my laundry machine or bathtub is a health hazard!


Until greywater is legal in Kamloops, we can still collect rainwater off our roofs and use this water on our gardens. Thank goodness that’s still legal in Kamloops.

If you would like to learn more about greywater, Deanna Hurstfield sent me this article called Rainwater Harvesting and Grey Water Reuse. This greywater review of practices was completed by the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).