Chocolate Brownie with Cream Cheese Icing

Birthday Cake

This brownie recipe can make a really nice cake for children’s birthday parties. Even with a restricted diet children can still have fun on their special day.

This recipe is based on the Carob Brownies from Nourishing Traditions. It is NOT safe for someone on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. This is a good special occasion cake. I have used it a number of times for birthdays and holidays. If someone is new to the diet, remove the cocoa powder and add 1tsp cinnamon, 1tsp allspice, and 1/2tsp cloves to make a Spice Nut Cake.
1c organic walnuts, soaked and dried
2c organic pecans, soaked and dried
2/3c organic butter
1/4c local raw honey
4 pastured eggs
1T organic vanilla extract
2/3c organic cocoa (optional)
Grind up nuts into a fine flour with a food processor and set aside in another bowl. In the food processor, cream butter with honey. Add vanilla extract and cocoa. Add eggs one at a time. Blend in nut flour for a fairly stiff batter. Pour into a buttered 8″x8″ glass baking pan. Bake at 300F for 20-30 minutes. Do not over cook. The nuts will take on a burnt flavor. Completely cool cake in the fridge before icing.

7th Birthday Party

Erika has created a vivid world for her dolls. Erika’s seventh birthday was also a wedding for her dolls. I made a wedding dress and cake for her dolls to help make her day special.

Cream Cheese Icing
2/3c homemade yoghurt cream cheese or organic cream cheese
1-2T local raw honey
1T organic vanilla extract
1tsp organic fresh lemon peel, finely grated
1tsp organic lemon juice, freshly made (optional)
In a food processor, mix the cream cheese, honey, lemon peel and lemon juice until creamy smooth. Use this icing on a very cold cake.

Sour Cherry Sauce
2c organic sour cherries
1/4c cranberries (optional)
2-3T local raw honey
1T brandy (optional)
Simmer the sour cherries and cranberries over a very low heat until soft. (The cranberries help thicken the mixture.) Remove extra water if needed. After the fruit mixture cools, blend in a food processor until smooth. Add the raw honey and brandy to taste. Cool sauce in the fridge and use as a fruit layer in the cake or as a sauce on top.