Olivia’s Illness


This is Olivia, our Jersey cow. This picture was taken this winter and she has a thick winter coat. She has been very healthy since her illness.

About a month after Cinnamon’s birth, Olivia had a health challenge. Shaen and I came up to milk as usual in the morning. Olivia seemed well. During the evening’s milking, Shaen noticed Olivia’s halter was tight around her face. She seemed to have a swelling under her lower jaw. The swelling seemed sore. Her rumen appeared empty which meant she wasn’t eating. Not eating is a very serious situation for a lactating cow. She wasn’t even sticking out her tongue. She normally would give us a lick. She was also drooling.

When we got home, we pulled out our cattle textbooks. We use Cure Your Own Cattle by Newman Turner and The Barn Guide to Treating Dairy Cows Naturally by Hubert Karreman. The condition Actinomycosis or Wooden Tongue sounded the most like her symptoms. This condition is caused by a puncture from rough forage, wooden splinters, or metal objects.

The next morning her swelling was even worse. Cows have body language. When they don’t feel well, their heads are down like they haven’t any energy. We milked her down. We tried to look at her teeth and she seemed to have trouble swallowing. This explained the drooling.

On June 2, 2011 we called the vet and Dr. Rob Mulligan came down to look at Olivia. He used some very useful tools to handle Olivia since we do not have a squeeze. He used a nose-pincher and a device for opening the cow’s mouth. The vet had his whole forearm down Olivia’s throat trying to find the puncture. He did not find anything inside her mouth. There was a small scar on the outside of her jaw which he probed with a needle hoping to drain an abscess. He could not find the abscess. He thought she had the more fast acting mouth infection called Cellulitis which can be fatal if located in the lower jaw. Unfortunately, antibiotics are the only course of action. The vet gave her an IV of sodium iodide which would help fight any bone infection. We also gave her the first injection of a four day course of antibiotics. By the end of the IV treatment Olivia was eating again!

The biggest mistake we made treating Olivia was not using a three day slow release antibiotic. This left Shaen and I trying to give injections to a 800 pound animal without a squeeze or any of those neat vet tools. The needle was big too. We had to get in 45cc of antibiotics through a cow’s thick hide. Olivia was seriously irritated with us by the third injection. I was really upset too because cows are like two year old children. They can’t be reasoned with and do not understand what is being done to them. They only understand the pain. I was worried we would ruin our milking relationship with Olivia.

By the third injection we had a rolling-eyed cow and only got in part of the injection. The next day, we called in the vet for a second IV of sodium iodide and the last injection of antibiotic. This time Dr. Jason McGillivray came and took a look at Olivia. He had her on the ground, completely immobilized, with a system of ropes and a nose-pincher. Shaen said it was amazing to watch someone handle such a large animal with such skill. The vet thought the infection was old and had come back.

After the second treatment, we milked twice a day but continued discarding the milk. The protocol for antibiotics is to wait 72 hours after ending treatment before using the milk. We waited 96 hours. After the treatment, Olivia seemed well. She still has a small lump on the lower jawbone and she is sore from the injections. She seems to have forgiven us for our treatment and she is milking well.

Later, Shaen called Christine Blake from Wildfire Jersey. She sold Olivia to us. Christine knows all her cows very well and Olivia never had an infection. It appears Olivia picked up an infection since she came to us. We don’t know when or how the infection started. The infection is a bit of a mystery. Dr. Will Winter a vet that hosts a yahoo group called Pastured Livestock Producers stated:

“I would suggest that you look at overall herd health. Obviously you want to get treatment for the sick animal, but I encourage you to look into overall health patterns. Certainly if it is “Wooden Tongue”, an Actinobacillus bacterial infection, then there is a holistic plan of action that will prevent further problems. Wooden Tongue, Lumpy Jaw and Blackleg are all “cousins” of the same pathogen. These pathogens are in the soil in a latent condition on every farm. When circumstances are right, they can infect animals.

You can read about this in Chuck Walters’ great book called Grass, The Forgiveness of Nature. He relates stories from the past wherein they shut down the infectious disease bugs simply by mineralizing the cattle. When all the “immune minerals” were in place there were no infections. Zero Vaccine (vaccine programs can never keep up with the evolving nature of pathogens). Even epidemics were stopped in their tracks. Be sure to check your iron levels in forages or water too, as high iron not only blocks the absorption of the other minerals but it also stimulates many bacteria, including Tuberculosis and Para-TB (Johne’s).”

The supplements we give the cattle are Fertrell minerals, kelp and sea salt. The cattle are on pasture and enjoy eating the Saskatoon Bush leaves (Amelanchier spp.). We supplement the pasture with third-cut alfalfa haylage and hay. Our water system is based off a well with a 3000 gallon old metal holding tank. Normally, we are irrigating so much that the water is clear but with all the rain this spring we haven’t been irrigating. I noticed the cows got a big load of rusty water a week or so before Olivia got sick. Rats. It’s so easy to screw up. We won’t let that happen again. Shaen is going to scrub out the tank as soon as possible. He just has to be careful. Tanks are confined spaces and rust absorbs oxygen.

About two days after Olivia finished her antibiotic treatment, we started noticing that Cinnamon had developed diarrhea. The diarrhea was very liquid and white like scour. We considered giving her a drench of probiotics. We decided to watch Cinnamon’s progress carefully. Cinnamon is a happy, energetic calf so we decided to just observe and not intervene unless necessary. This should be a lesson to all breast feeding women that have had to take a course of antibiotics for some reason.? It is very important to watch your baby’s gut health after a course of antibiotics. In the end, on June 23, 2011 we gave Cinnamon a drench of Custom Probiotics. We used four times the normal adult dose mixed with Olivia’s milk. After that one treatment her diarrhea was gone.

Looking for Another Cow


This is our new Jersey cow, Olivia. We got her from Christine Blake of Windfire Jersey. Olivia really picked us.

A few weeks ago, we got some bad news. After waiting three weeks to get a milk pregnancy test, Patty our Jersey cow isn’t pregnant. (By the way, I will not recommend that company selling the milk pregnancy tests because they first lost my order for ten days, then it took another ten days to get it through the mail!) After the test we got Dr Robert Mulligan, who works with Kamloops Large Animal Veterinary Clinic, to come up and confirm the bad news.

We have a number of choices:
1. We could bring Max the Dexter bull back and have him tear out all our electric fences again. We would also lose all the milk to his nursing. (I know there is a vegan myth out there about humans being the only animal to consume milk in adulthood. I guess vegans don’t spend that much time with real animals. Most adult animals love milk, if they can get it!) This option would give a late summer calving and no milk during the peak grass production. This option is the cheapest in direct costs but we will have to feed the bull for about 60 days to catch two estrous cycles.
2. We can use Artificial Insemination with Patty and accept a late birth, assuming we can tell when she comes into heat. This is a more costly option but we would be able to choose the genetics of the sire. We have got two straws of semen from Westgen from a “calving ease” Jersey bull. Calving ease semen is usually given to heifer cows to ensure a small first calf. Since Patty’s last calf was a stillbirth, calving ease semen seems like a good idea.
3. We could milk Patty through the winter until we can get her pregnant next year. Milking through the winter would be hard on Patty and us for that matter. Here are the reasons why it is better to milk seasonally and freeze milk.
4. We could get another cow that is pregnant and will give birth in March or April 2011.

We really are not set up for winter milking. Patty is a weak cow and milking through the winter would be hard on her. We do not have a proper barn, so milking in winter would be a serious challenge for the milker. The danger would be that she would dry-off too early and we would lose milk production during peak grass production in the spring and summer.

We have decided to use AI with Patty and accept a late calving in August 2011. This will set her up to always be a “late” calving cow. Of course, if we learn to watch her fertility we might be able to slowly bring her back to early calving over a number of years.

This still does not solve the problem of having fresh milk in the spring and summer. Getting another cow solves this problem. It will mean getting more hay to feed the animals over the winter. As I have said before, our pasture is brittle grasslands, so we may have a semi-permanent forage problem unless we can get more land. But with the extra manure from a second cow and extra water on the pasture we just might be able to improve the fertility of the pasture. We have observed that the hay we bring in is excellent mulch for the pasture. Under the hay stems not eaten by the cows grows a lush carpet of mixed grasses and forbs. It is a beautiful sight to see a sage and brittle grassland moving towards a lush pasture of mixed grasses, forbs and herbs.

So we are looking for another Jersey cow. We have visited two Jersey dairies in the Spalluncheen area looking for pregnant cows:
Windfire Jersey
Grenville and Christine Blake
1165 Mountain View Rd, Spallumcheen, BC, V0E 1B8
T: 250.546.3523
E: cgblake(a)telus.net
commercial milk dairy, breeders for Jersey cows and Saint Croix sheep
Jake Konrad
4931 Parkinson Rd, ?Spallumcheen, BC V0E 1B4?
T: 250.546.6069
commercial milk dairy, breeder of Jersey cows

During this search we have found out more about our own cow Patty. Originally, I bought Patty from a couple in Abbotsford, BC. This couple got Patty from Hunny-Do Ranch in Prince George, BC. It turns out that Patty’s real name is Georgia and she came from Windfire Jersey. Christine from Windfire Jersey gave me Patty’s(Georgia’s) pedigree.

It looks like Jake Konrad does not have any cows he is willing to sell that are calving at the time I need. Christine Blake has a number of cows which would work well for me. It looks like we will soon have a new addition to the herd.

Updated November 18, 2010: We have found another option. Christine and Grenville Blake at Windfire Jersey board and breed cows to their Jersey bull for $100 per month. Normally, they do the boarding and breeding in the spring but they have agreed to take Patty for two months this winter. Thank you, Christine and Grenville!

Updated November 26, 2010: I just got an email from Christine Blake at Windfire Jersey. She said that Patty is doing very well and has been enjoying the company of their bull. (We’ve been joking around here that Patty has gone to the spa!) We have bought another Jersey cow. Her name is Olivia and here is her pedigree.