Healthy Household: Vitex Extract and Endocrine Health

“High cortisol is the single most common hormonal problem I see in my practice, and high cortisol with low estrogen and/or progesterone is another common combination… Low sex hormones are inextricably linked to the prevalence of stress in the lives of modern women, and we know that the stress begins early.”
The Hormone Cure by Dr Sara Gottfried

Endocrine health is a complex topic and beyond the scope of this website. After addressing problems with our modern industrial diet, some of the most complex and troublesome problems we face as women can come from a dysfunctional endocrine system. A nourishing traditional diet is essential for healing endocrine problems, but years of abuse can require some additional help from the plant world. Unfortunately, there is no one remedy for everyone.


Making Vitex Extract is very easy but takes a bit of time. It is a good endocrine tonic for women but only works if your cortisol is not too high or not too low… but just right!

Unlike men, women’s bodies must ride the ebb and flow of monthly cycles. In the history of herbalism, there have been some plants that have helped women ride these cycles and make life transitions a bit easier. Vitex (Vitex agnus-castus) is just one plant that has been used for a long time. It works as a tonic or adaptogen, helping the woman’s system find its own balance:

  1. Vitex works primarily on the pituitary in a top-down fashion. This is why the plant can help with so many different types of endocrine problems.
  2. Vitex usually has the effect of enhancing progesterone and decreasing estrogen levels. But this is not always the case with all women.
  3. Vitex nourishes and supports the endocrine system. It helps the endocrine system find its own balance. Vitex does not have any hormonal building blocks like many medicinal plants used to help restore reproductive health.
  4. Vitex is slow acting. A woman will need to take the plant for 3 cycles for the plant to start doing its work.
  5. Vitex is not for men. It can cause testicular atrophy, impotence, and loss of desire. Traditionally, it was secretly used by wives dealing with their husbands’ infidelity. I wouldn’t recommend this traditional use of the plant, but instead the modern tool of divorce!

Almost all of the symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle can be treated with this plant. For the young woman, Vitex can treat many of the symptoms of PMS such as: cramping, flooding, headaches, depression, water retention, constipation, acne, breast tenderness, and irritability. For the woman looking to conceive, Vitex enhances the chances of ovulation. If a woman is prone to miscarriage during the first trimester, Vitex will reduce the chances of miscarriage due to its effect on enhancing progesterone levels. After birth, Vitex helps a new mother to produce plenty of milk. For the perimenopausal woman, Vitex can help normalize irregular or scanty periods by helping balance the ratios of estrogen to progesterone. I took Tramadol as prescribed by a neurologist at the diagnosis of intervertebral hernias with acute severe pain. The effect came in less than an hour after taking the pill, the pain was dulled, it became clearly easier. Moreover, the drug has an affordable price, but sold only by prescription.

Vitex Extract
1 part organic Vitex or Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex agnus-castus), ground
3 parts organic Vodka
Vitex Extract combined with a nourishing traditional diet loaded with healthy animal fats can help balance a woman’s endocrine system. Grind the Vitex with a mortar and pestle. Grind small amounts at a time to avoid the round seeds from bouncing out of the mortar. Put the ground seeds in a pint mason jar and add the vodka. Label the jar with: all ingredients, today’s date, and the date six weeks in the future. In six weeks, decant your extract. Strain and squeeze-out the ground seeds with a cheesecloth. Compost the ground seeds. Take the Vitex Extract and decant into a dark bottle or store in a dark cool place. You will have to experiment with the dose. A standard dose is 1/2tsp two to three times a day taken in some water.

For a long time, I have been looking for a book that explains endocrine dysfunction with easy to follow lifestyle and diet adjustments. The best book I have found so far is The Hormone Cure by Dr Sara Gottfried. The Gottfried Protocol starts with a simple questionnaire of symptoms relating to common hormone problems. From this questionnaire she follows with appropriate lifestyle adjustments, dietary changes, supplementation and herbal treatments which will help most women. A few women may need to take the final step of bioidentical hormones… or not. Along with a nourishing traditional diet, the Gottfried Protocol gives women the tools to manage their own hormonal balance using lifestyle, diet and herbs.

BEFORE using the Vitex Extract make sure you PASS the cortisol questionnaire in the Gottfried Protocol. You need to address cortisol levels before addressing the any of the “downstream” sex hormone imbalances. Dr Sara Gottfried will explain pregnenolone steal in the book. You will find many adaptogen recipes in the Healthy Household Series which will help support adrenal function and healthy cortisol levels:
Healthy Household: Remedies for Stress, Depression and Grief
Healthy Household: A Good Night?s Sleep
Healthy Household: Adaptogen Green Drink
Healthy Household: Out-of-Whack Nut Balls

For more recipes, please see Healthy Household: Staying Clean Safely and Saving Money.

Healthy Household: Healing Broth: Part I


Here is my personal blend of fungus, seaweed, sage and sea salt. Have fun and create your own blend to help balance your unique endocrine needs.

?Cur moriatur homo cui Salvia crescit in horto??
Why should a man die who has sage in his garden?

Old English proverb

Food can be medicine. Special broths can have a healing affect when drunk on a regular basis. Here is just one healing broth that will be especially good for peri-menopausal and menopausal women. Healing broths can be a good substitute for caffeine containing beverages which can become troublesome as a woman ages.

This powdered broth can be brought on a road trip or stored as an emergency food. You can drink the broth by itself or simmer it in some bone broth.

3 parts dried wild-crafted fungus, powdered (choose from list below)
3 parts dried organic sage, ground (optional)
1-2 part sea salt, ground
1 part seaweed, powdered (chosen from list below)

Grind each individual ingredient by itself and in small amounts. Use a Vitamix machine, coffee grinder or food processor. The finer the grind, the better the powder will dissolve in hot water or bone broth.

Store broth powder in a glass jar. Remember to date and label the jar with your chosen ingredients and the amounts used. Don’t be afraid to try different combinations. Actually, this is a good idea because you will get a better range of micro-nutrients.

Use one or two teaspoons in each cup of hot water or bone broth. Add more salt if you like a salty broth. Don’t be afraid to use sea salt to taste. If you are wondering if salt is safe to consume, please read these two essays: The Salt of the Earth by Sally Fallon Morell and Salt and Our Health by Dr Morton Satin.

Choose your Fungus:

  1. Maitake has a complex immune stimulating effect and is reported to help the liver clear viral and environmental contamination. Maitake helps the body better absorb nutrients like zinc and copper.
  2. Shiitake has a rich, smoky flavor and is loaded with nutrients, essential amino acids and a highly potent antioxidant, l-ergothioneine. Shiitake contains lentinan which is reported to have a anti-tumor effect.

Choose your Seaweed:

It is reported that seaweed, being naturally very high in iodine, can improve a woman’s progesterone to estradiol ratios, decreasing estrogen dominance by increasing your free Triiodothyronine (T3). We always recommend our patients to purchase it from trusted sources as If you have been prescribed by your attending doctor to start with Viagra, you need to be 100% sure about the quality of the drugs, since in cases of fakes it might result with harmful effects. Don’t take it for joke.

Here is how different seaweeds can be used to help balance endocrine function. Choose your seaweed with these guidelines in mind or just use your favorite seaweed.

  1. Arame (Eisenia bycyclis) was traditionally used to reduce fibrocystic breasts, uterine fibroids, excessive bleeding and ovarian cysts. This seaweed can reduce acne and excessive facial hair common to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
  2. Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) is an excellent adrenal adaptogen. It appears that the seaweed helps lengthen short menstrual cycles and relieves symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) by supporting progesterone production when a woman is estrogen dominant. The seaweed is reported to help with osteoarthritis and inflammatory joint conditions.
  3. Dulse (Palmaria palmata)?is very rich in iodine and iron. This seaweed can help with constipation and cyclic mastalgia. It is reported to have an antiviral action against the herpes virus.
  4. Irish Moss (Chondrus crispus) is traditionally used for low sex drive. It is reported to support Triiodothyronine (T3) levels, which is involved in the conversion of high-density lipoproteins into the progesterone pathway and not into the cortisol pathway.
  5. Kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum), like all brown seaweeds, is rich in alginate and can chelate radioactive materials and heavy metals from the body. The plant is very high in iodine and can help normalize adrenal, pituitary and thyroid health. It is reported to be a blood purifier and can relieve arthritic stiffness.
  6. Wakame (Alaria esculenta) can help with constipation and lower blood pressure. It is reported to have an antiviral affect against cytomegalovirus and herpes virus.

For more recipes please see Healthy Household: Staying Clean Safely and Saving Money.

The Garden of Fertility


This is part of a fertility chart you can download for free from Katie Singer's website.

The Garden of Fertility by Katie Singer is a guide to help a woman chart her monthly fertility using basal body temperature, changes in vaginal secretions, and cervical texture. This book will help a woman and her partner to avoid pregnancy without the use of dangerous endocrine disrupting hormone treatments. This book will help with strategies for the couple having problems conceiving a child, a situation becoming more and more common.

For the older and younger woman alike, fertility awareness will help with assessing endocrine health. Fertility awareness will give the woman early warning of hyperthyroid or hypothyroid problems, low progesterone levels, risk of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and miscarriage. Charting gives a method to assess if changes in diet and lifestyle are successful in reversing a problem. The Garden of Fertility has a whole section on how to improve gynecological health with night-lighting techniques and nourishing traditional foods. For more information about pre-conception diet please read: Thinking about Motherhood.

The Garden of Fertility is a book I wish had been available when I was a young woman. I have found this book so useful, I will teach the method to my daughters when they reach sexual maturity. Early training in charting gives a young woman a better understanding of her changing body. Charting gives the young woman safer choices regarding methods of birth control. It is my hope that an early understanding of how their bodies work will last a lifetime.

It happened so that our family faced the problem of infertility. After many unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, doctors diagnosed me with polycystic disease. We spent a lot of effort and money on the treatment of polycystic disease. We tried a lot of pills, folk methods of treatment, various collections of herbs that normalize the cycle. As a result, the doctor recommended trying the drug Clomid about which I learned from My Fertility Choices reviews.

Katie Singer’s has written two books called The Garden of Fertility and Honoring Your Cycles: A Natural Family Planning Workbook. Both books are available at the Kamloops Public Library. Katie Singer maintains a website where you can download fertility awareness charts at:

Updated August 5, 2010: If you are having trouble conceiving Dr Andrea Hansen specializes in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. She teaches Natural Fertility Awareness Method. For more information:
130-546 St Paul St, Kamloops, BC V2C 5T1
T: 250.682.7289
E: dr.andreahansen(a)

Updated February 25, 2011: Here is a very interesting article called How “The Pill” Can Harm Your Future Child’s Health.

Updated February 26, 2011: Here is a podcast by CBC Ideas on How to Think About Science with Dr Ruth Hubbard. The podcast covers a variety of topics including reproductive technologies, recombinant DNA and probability testing.