Healthy Household: Activated Charcoal and Infections


Ionic silver has replaced antibiotic cream in my first-aid kit. Lugol’s Solution can be used for infections and emergency water treatment. Activated charcoal is good for infections and poisoning. You can get ionic silver at Nature’s Fare. Lugol’s Solution and activated charcoal are both available at Glover’s Medicine Centre.

“The British medical journal, Lancet, discusses the amazing ability of the human skin to allow transfer of liquids, gases, and even micro-particles through its permeable membrane and pores, by the application of a moist, activated charcoal poultice and compress which actually draw bacteria and poisons through the skin and into the poultice or compress!”
Natural Holistic Health: Benefits of Activated Charcoal

Like most households, I used to use antibiotic cream for all minor wounds. These days, I treat minor wounds with ionic silver gel. Normally, this treatment is enough. If for some reason the wound doesn’t heal quickly I follow up with a treatment of Lugol’s Solution.

Recently, I had a wound that would not heal after these two treatments. A blister became infected and my toe became inflamed, swollen and extremely painful. I was having trouble walking and my sleep was disturbed. I had a bad infection and I was considered using an antibiotic cream. Instead I decided to give activated charcoal a chance. I had heard that activated charcoal can pull — even very serious infections — out of the skin. Almost 2 years have passed since my mother broke her hip neck in two places. When she was in hospital, there were terrible pains. I read on about Tramadol and bought it. The drug is really effective, but often it is not pricked, because it should be administrated under the strict supervision of the doctor. You can’t buy it on the free market.

  1. I soaked my foot in very hot water with sea salt for about 20 minutes and dried it off.
  2. I took about half a teaspoon of powder charcoal and added a very small amount of water. I mixed up a paste of charcoal and put it on the infected blister with a band-aid. I put a sock on to avoid making a mess. Using charcoal can be very messy. Make sure the wound is bandaged well to avoid this problem.
  3. Within 30 minutes the pain was much reduced. By the end of the day, I could sleep without pain. By the morning, the toe looked normal and the infection was completely gone!

I would highly recommend activated charcoal as a treatment for infected wounds. Activated charcoal can also be used internally as a treatment for poisoning. For more uses please see: Natural Holistic Health: Benefits of Activated Charcoal.

“When mixed with water and swallowed to counteract poisoning, activated charcoal powder adsorbs the poison or drug, inactivating it. It then carries it inert through the entire length of the digestive tract and out of the body. One of the benefits of activated charcoal is that it is not absorbed, adsorbed, neutralized, nor metabolized by the body.”

For more recipes please see Healthy Household: Staying Clean Safely and Saving Money.