Recommended Reading List


If you only have time to read one book, I would recommend Nourishing Traditions. This is a very practice book.

Over the last few years, GO BOX Storage have donated a number of books about nourishing traditional foods and healing diets to the Kamloops Public Library. The Weston A. Price Foundation considers most of these books recommended reading.

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston A. Price
Pottenger’s Cats by Dr. Francis M. Pottenger
Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon
Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall
Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
Put Your Heart In Your Mouth by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
Life Without Bread by Dr. Christian Allan and Dr. Wolfgang Lutz
The Fourfold Path to Healing by Dr. Tom Cowan
Know Your Fats by Dr. Mary G. Enig
The Cholesterol Myth by Dr. Utte Ravnskov
The Untold Story of Milk by Ron Schmid
The Whole Soy Story by Dr. Kaayla Daniel
Performance Without Pain by Kathryn Pirtle
The Garden of Fertility by Katie Singer
Honoring Our Cycles by Katie Singer
The Yoga of Eating by Charles Eisenstein
Seeds of Deception by Jeffery M. Smith
Genetic Roulette by Jeffery M. Smith
The GMO Trilogy (DVD) by Jeffery M. Smith
The World According to Monsanto (DVD) by Jeffery M. Smith
Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care by Sally Fallon Morell
Create an Oasis with Greywater by Art Ludwig
Water Storage: Tanks, Cisterns, Aquifers and Ponds by Art Ludwig

Update May 12, 2009: If you would like more suggested reading please go to the WAPF Thumbs Up Book (and Other Media) Reviews.

Specific Carbohydrate Diet: A Personal Story

I became very sick after the birth of my first child. My childhood asthma and allergies came back with a vengeance. I did over two years of weekly allergy shots with little improvement. I developed chronic sinus infections. I did course after course of antibiotics only to become sick again with new infections. I was taking very high doses of corticosteriods daily without much improvement in my condition. All these new medications I added to my anti-convulsion medication for epilepsy. I started having problems with yeast infections. The doctors said this sometimes happens taking corticosteriods. So, I had to decide which was more important, breathing or itching. More drugs were needed.

Dr Darlene Hammell, my family doctor, told me that if I lost some weight my asthma would likely get better. I joined Weight Watchers and lost over 40 pounds. I did so well on the program, I became a leader, and worked for Weight Watchers for a year. Everyone thought I looked great. My doctor even gave me a big hug after losing all that weight. But I was still on all the medications, coughing all night long, tired all day long, and starting to wonder if I would be alive to see my children become adults.

My family made the painful decision to leave Victoria, BC for a dryer climate. We sold our house and started looking for another place to live. During this time of desperation, I paid to see a doctor who specialized in peak performance, Dr Kevin Worry. He talked to me for about three hours, ordered a ton of blood tests, and offered me a book to read. The book was Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall. I read the book that night. Something written in the book resonated with me on a very deep level. I started the diet, and within three days was feeling better. It was like a fog lifting from my mind. I didn’t even know my thinking was foggy before changing my diet.

In the first 18 months on the diet I had stopped all allergy and asthma medication. I do not have asthma or allergies any more. I stopped the yeast infections by using probiotics and doing a low-carbohydrate version of the SCD. I blended the WAPF nutrient dense foods with the SCD for a great result. I found going high fat was the final piece of the puzzle, something I would have never done in my Weight Watchers days. (I found my personal carbohydrate tolerance is about 40-60gm per day.) My dragging fatigue became a thing of the past.

About a year ago, even though I was really scared, I stopped my anti-convulsion medication for epilepsy. After nearly twenty years on anti-convulsion medication, I am now free of this drug. I was told I would likely have to take the drug for the rest of my life. I have now been drug and seizure free for a year.

The sinus infections were the hardest problem to solve. I found that taking high doses of serrapeptase if I got sick finally stopped the cycle of antibiotics and recurring infections. I had one cold this winter and I did not get an infection.

I started on the SCD about three years ago. I am now completely drug free. I have energy to work a normal job and care for my family. The diet saved my life or at least my quality of life.

Update October 2, 2009: I have been thinking about why I lost 40 pounds on the Weight Watchers program, when so many other motivated people could not. I was different from most women on the program because I was breastfeeding at the time. I am starting to learn a lot about human metabolism from watching livestock. It is a well known fact that “a cow will milk herself skinny” in about three months feeding a calf. This may have been the reason why I had such good results on the Weight Watchers program.

Updated June 20, 2013: Just an update on serrapeptase. The company I got it from has moved from tablets to capsules. Unfortunately, they use rice flour for a flow agent in the capsules. I react to the tiny amounts of rice flour in the supplement so now the supplement does not work for me. I have found another solution, ionic silver. I used the nasal spray if I felt a bit stuffy over this last winter. I didn?t get sick or develop a sinus infection this winter. This is the product I used but any ionic silver product will likely work.