What’s a Mother to Do?


How do we save money during hard times? Will eating cheap convenience foods really work for our families?

This morning CBC Sirius Radio had an interview with Richard Florida. I read one of his books a few years ago called: The Rise of the Creative Class. The interview was focused on how society needs to change to weather the economic situation facing Canada and the world. It was an interesting conversation, but I found it had little to offer the individual family facing hard times.

So, what can a mother do? Most household finances can tighten up, but one place that I do not recommend cutting corners is nutritious food. Having a healthy body and mind is the best defense against changing times. This is doubly true for children. Children’s bodies are growing. What your children eat in the first 15 years of their lives will definitely set the stage for a successful future. During these times of change, a mom can help by feeding her family the most nutritious food possible. Cut out the processed food and junk food and eat nutritious real food. Doing this one change, may save your family money by avoiding the cost of drugs and lost of income from sickness. The Weston A. Price Foundation has guidelines on what not to eat in Dietary Dangers.

Our children sometimes complain that we are not eating like everyone else. But I know the money I spend on seasonal local foods is well worth it. As I get to know more about the wonderful local food sources, I am able to feed my family the best quality food available at a reasonable price. As a result of eating local seasonal foods, my family does not get sick very often anymore and we have a happy family life. Making a habit of eating a nutritious breakfast and dinner together are now some of my happiest family times. If you would like more tips on how to bring more local seasonal foods into your family’s diet read: Getting the Goods: Top Ten Tips.