Healthy Household: Vertigo


Here are the Epley Exercises for home-treatment of Benign Positional Vertigo (BPV).

Thank goodness for the wonders of the internet!

About a month ago out of the blue, I started having a very scary experience. I became plagued with dizziness and nausea. I would turn my head or even roll over in bed and experience vertigo. Usually, any health problems I have are connected to my diet so I cut out the iffy foods. That didn’t help. I started taking ginger and licorice extracts. The ginger extract did help with the nausea. I started drinking ginger tea but the vertigo did not go away.

After three weeks of vertigo, most people would run to the doctor. I’m not most people but I was getting scared. So, I decided to do some internet research on dizziness and after less than five minutes found this quote on Benign Positional Vertigo:

“A person who has short episodes of intense spinning sensations when looking up or even rolling over in bed, may have BPV. This is a condition that causes small calcium carbonate crystals to become out of position from the central portion of the inner ear, where it floats about in the semi circular canals, bouncing on nerve cells and making them fire the wrong signals to the brain.”

“Because of hormonal factors women develop this condition more frequently then men. The way women process calcium could also be a factor. A women 40 years old has a 1-3% chance of getting BPV. The risk is higher the older she gets. For women who are postmenopausal BPV is the leading cause of dizziness. Thankfully the treatment for BPV is very easy. Your doctor or a physical therapist can perform a maneuver to re-position crystals in the inner ear. By applying different swift head motions it can shift the crystals to a pocket in the inner ear that is less sensitive, and will later dissolve.”*

What caught my attention was the description of exactly what I was going through and that there were exercises that a doctor or physical therapist can do to re-position the crystals. Well, I could do the exercises at home if I knew what to do! It took another five minutes of research to find the exercises. There are a number of types of exercises. I tried the Epley Exercises which were stated to work for most people. Here’s a link to a PDF download for the Epley self-help exercises.

I had someone in the family read out the directions while I did the exercises. I did the exercises twice and 90% of the vertigo disappeared! Within another two days the vertigo was completely gone! I think I had done the exercises a total of eight times. The exercises are very easy to do. There was no need for a doctor’s visit or medications.

Like I said, the wonders of the internet! The internet is an amazing modern resource for finding health information quickly that would have taken days or weeks to research a generation ago. I feel incredibly lucky to have had the internet to help solve my own household health problems and not have to resort to using the medical system.

* Here’s the link to the original article on Benign Positional Vertigo which got me on the right track for solving my vertigo.
11 Causes of Dizziness

For more recipes please see Healthy Household: Staying Clean Safely and Saving Money.

Healthy Household: Licorice, Mommy’s Little Helper

“Licorice root may be used to assist with upper respiratory catarrhs and is recognized by traditional Chinese practitioners as an adaptogen, helping the body to cope with daily stress. It may also be used to relieve minor abdominal discomfort, and is used in the herbal preparation STW-5 to alleviate dyspepsia.”
Mountain Rose Herbs: Licorice Root


Licorice Extract is very easy to make at home and the extract tastes good to most children. If you don’t have time to made your own, you can purchase extracts from a local herbalist.

“Mommy, my stomach hurts,” is the most common childhood complaint I have heard over the years. Most children’s stomachaches are over very quickly and can be treated at home. This stomachache remedy is very easy to make and will save a trip to the pharmacy.

Licorice Extract
1 part licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra), slices
3-4 parts organic vodka

All extract are made the same way. Use a small pint-sized glass canning jar with a plastic lid. Put the licorice root slices into the jar. Add the alcohol to the jar. Label the jar with the name of the plant, percentage of alcohol, today?s day, and the decanting day. Decanting day will be in six weeks. The jar will need to be gently, shaken every day for at least the first week. On decanting day, squeeze out all the liquid from the root slices. Store the extract in a dark glass bottle. If available, use a dropper top for easy dispersal.

For children one full dropper is usually enough. Most stomachaches will be gone within 15 minutes. A second dropper can be given after 15 minutes if the pain has not reduced by at least half. A hot water bottle, a story, and a nap works well to cure most stomachaches. We have also used licorice extract to treat motion sickness with good success. Ginger root works wonders for motion sickness too.

For adults, two full droppers will stop a stomach ache in about 15 minutes. People with high blood pressure shouldn’t use licorice root because it will increase blood pressure. People with low blood pressure or adrenal fatigue may find licorice root helps with symptoms of low blood pressure.


Licorice roots slices can also be chewed to stop stomachaches and motion sickness. A few slices kept in the car can makes trips with children more pleasant. Just spit out the fiber after use.

For more recipes please see Healthy Household: Staying Clean Safely and Saving Money.