Healthy Household: Fat Loss on the Cheap: Part II

“It has been shown fairly conclusively that it is only the high-fat, not the high-protein diet that produces the greatest health benefits in combination with a low carbohydrate intake.”
Moment of Clarity by Dr Ron Rosedale


Jimmy Moore’s new book Keto Clarity will explain how to benefit from a ketogenic diet.

“Humans went into ketosis every winter for thousands of generations. Being in a low level of ketosis is the more natural state for our metabolism.”
Moment of Clarity by Dr Terry Wahls

In Fat Loss on the Cheap: Part I, we talked about Dr Krista Varady Every-Other-Day Diet as a inexpensive way to loss fat. The book could be summarized as: feast one day, fast the next day, then repeat. (Without the marketing hype, the summary would be: eat normally one day, do a modified 500 calorie fast the next day, then repeat.) If this approach works for you, read no further. But if you don’t loss weight, or your weight loss stalls, or your hungry all the time, please continue reading. You could be carb-intolerant.

“Everyone is different and has different carb-tolerance levels. Some people, especially athletes, can maintain ketosis with as much as 100gm of carbs a day. But most people need to be at 50gm or less, and those with metabolic syndrome typically need to stay below 30gm of total carbs a day to produce adequate ketones.”
Moment of Clarity by Maria Emmerich

A person’s carb-tolerance is primarily influenced by three factors: age, activity level and gender and to a lesser extent endocrine health and medications. So, a twenty-something, active male can safely consume more carbohydrates than a menopausal, sedentary woman. If you are overweight or obese and have metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes, you are by definition carb-intolerant. People that are carb-intolerant will benefit from a low-carb or ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet might cure your other medical problems too.

“Type 2 diabetes is a state of profound carbohydrate intolerance, and carbohydrate restriction reduces the demand on the pancreas to secrete excessive insulin in the face of insulin resistance while improving glycemic control and facilitating weight loss.”
Moment of Clarity by Dr Keith Runyan

Personally, I got interested in ketogenic diets because the diet was a traditional treatment for epilepsy. I used to have epilepsy among other chronic conditions. Doing a low-carb version of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet cured my epilepsy along with asthma, allergies, chronic sinus infections, migraine headaches, yeast infections and osteoarthritis.* Because of my own personal success, I have been following the research and experimenting with low-carb and ketogenic diets for some time.

“The efficacy of ketosis in reducing the frequency of seizures in patients with epilepsy has been in the medical literature since 1928.”
Moment of Clarity by Dr David Purlmetter

The ketogenic diet is being used clinically to treat a number of serious illnesses: epilepsy, type 2 diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Research is being done on using the ketogenic diet to treat cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple?sclerosis (MS), dementia, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and sleep disorders. If you have any of these serious conditions the ketogenic diet could literally be a life saver.

“A ketogenic diet may provide weight loss benefits over and above those achieved with carbohydrate restriction alone. It provides all the benefits of a low-carb diet but to a somewhat greater degree, since ketosis increases satiety and provides mental clarity, focus, prolonged concentration, and increased energy.”
Moment of Clarity by Dr William Davis

Until recently, it has been very hard to get good information on a whole food, ketogenic diet. Jimmy Moore has just put out a book called Keto Clarity: Your Definitive Guide to the Benefits of a Low-carb, High-fat Diet. Just in case your are wondering if this is just some new fad diet, Jimmy Moore will introduce you to 22 experts on ketogenic diets and their research.

Jimmy Moore states that the biggest mistake people make with ketogenic diets is eating too many carbohydrates. The second biggest mistake is eating too much protein. A ketogenic diet is a very high-fat, low-carb and just-enough-protein diet. The book will explain:

  1. The science of ketosis and why it has health giving benefits and to test to know you’re in ketosis.
  2. How to find your personal carb-tolerance and protein-tolerance.
  3. How to free yourself of the habit and need to eat three or more meals a day and how to manage societal pressures surrounding food.
  4. Why people on a ketogenic diet need more salt and why consuming more salt isn’t a health problem.
  5. How to use a ketogenic diet and intermitted fasting for fast, hunger-free weight loss.

This book is a detailed look at ketogenic diets. Section 3 has information suitable for a medical professional. Dr Volek explains the “natriuresis of fasting” and why ketogenic dieters need more salt. Just take a pass on the bouillon cubes and make some bone broth.

If you are looking for a more how to approach to low-carb eating, The New Atkins for a New You is an excellent whole food primer. This book will introduce you to your “metabolic bully” and help you get this bully out of your life. It’s safer to just pass on the industrial vegetable oils and artificial sweeteners suggested in the book. Small amounts of honey or stevia would be a better choice than artificial sweeteners. After a few months of low-carb eating, your sense of what is sweet will naturally be dialed down to a healthier level. I would also suggest avoiding the Atkins brand of prepared foods and find ways to prepare these foods at home. Also, take a pass on the commercial bouillon cubes and industrial thickeners and make some bone broth and Onion Gravy. This is especially important for followers of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet or GAPS which must avoid common food additives.


This book is an excellent “how to” approach to low-carb eating. Just ditch the industrial vegetable oils, artificial sweeteners, bouillon cubes and the Atkins brand of prepared foods. Other then that, it’s a great book.

One thing I have learned about low-carb and ketogenic diets over the years, is that it’s easy to eat your fill of salad or greens and still be low-carb or even ketogenic. For example, you could consume 12 cups of romaine lettuce a day and still be under 20gm of total carbohydrate. Or you could eat 4 cups of cauliflower and be under 20gm of total carbohydrate. That’s a lot of salad or greens. The trick is to save all your carbohydrates for salad and greens and not to waste them on starchy vegetables, fruit or simple sugars.

Fiber is also very important because many people find low-carb or ketogenic diets constipating. When you cut out the grains, legumes, beans, starchy vegetables and fruit there’s not much fiber left in the diet. Consuming large amounts of salad and greens will help fill you up and supply essential vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.

Salad and greens also provides fiber. Fiber comes in two forms: insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber just passes through the body. Soluble fiber can be consumed by our gut flora. The gut flora thrives on the carbohydrates in the fiber.** The gut flora also produces short and medium chain fatty acids from the fiber but cannot consume these fatty acids in the anaerobic environment of the bowel. These fatty acids are reabsorbed in the large intestine and used by our body. These special fatty acids are being researched for their health promoting qualities. The fantastic part of this process is that eating soluble fiber from greens is like eating high-fat, after digestion… And you get these very special fatty acids produced just for you by your gut flora!

So, eat your salad and greens.?Know that your friendly gut flora with convert these carbohydrates into health promoting fatty acids… after digestion!

“Herbivores obtain little glucose from diet, but up to 70% of their energy needs from short-chain fats produced by bacterial fermentation. These short-chain fats are transformed in the liver to ketones which nourish neurons, substantially reducing the body’s glucose needs.”
Perfect Health Diet by Paul Jaminet


Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to be ketogenic and eat your fill of salad or greens. This meal is ketogenic. It’s very high-fat, low-carb, and just-enough-protein. The trick is to save your carbohydrates for a plate full of salad and greens and take a pass on the starchy vegetables, fruit, or simple sugars. Just remember to enjoy your salt and bone broth!

If you would like to learn more about the science of ketogenic diets please see this lecture by Dr Peter Attia. He sees being overweight or obese not a disease state but a marker for an underlying medical condition, a predisposition to insulin resistance. Dr Attia shows how the ketogenic diet will help improve bio-markers, body composition and athletic performance. He will explain why a ketogenic diet will make you more “metabolically flexible” as a fat burner. He also talks about new treatment protocols using ketone supplements such as medium chain triglycerides (MCT) that may be especially effective for treating neurological disorders.

*Please note: I was on a very low-carb, not a ketogenic diet when I cured my epilepsy. I was on a very low-carbohydrate diet (40-60gm) but I didn’t have a way to test if I was actually in ketosis.
**If you are wondering why you should care about the health of your gut flora, please see: What is a Healthy gut?

Updated March 13, 2015: Here’s another example of an extreme athletic event using a ketogenic diet. Sami Inkinen and Meredith Loring rowed 2800 miles from Monterey, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii in 45 days. The couple became the fastest pair to accomplish this crossing. They completed this row on a whole food, very high fat diet. Dr Stephen Phinney the author of The New Atkins for a New You was the pair?s nutritional adviser. The couple did the row to raise funds for childhood diabetes and publicize the dangers of eating sugar.

Updated April 2, 2015: If the idea of not eating fills you with anxiety, Dr Mercola has a technique you can learn that will help with anxiety: How to Radically Increase Your Intermittent Fasting Success.

Dealing with Children, Societal Pressure, and Halloween


This is the day after the celebration of the Day of the Dead. Maybe mothers could take back the holidays and make them into something healthy for our children.

As a parent dealing with young children, I have struggled with wanting my children to have the best quality food possible and living in a toxic food society. So what’s a mother to do? Should I be a killjoy or conform to societal norms and allow my children to consume industrial junk? I refuse to call this junk, food.

As I see it, if we had one or two holidays a year that indulged the consumption of industrial junk, it wouldn’t be a problem. If all children normally ate whole foods from a quality source, I wouldn’t be worried. Unfortunately, industrial junk has become the normal daily fare for children and adults alike. It is also possible that industrial junk, for special occasions, has been the wedge that has increased industrial junk consumption throughout the year. Some people believe industrial junk is addictive and giving it to children will lead to a lifelong battle. Please read Zapping Sugar Cravings.

It has been the policy in our household to allow our children to go trick-or-treating for Halloween. Since my children never eat industrial junk, I feel it is okay for them to have one holiday a year where they can totally indulge in industrial junk. In fact, I feel my children need to have some exposure to industrial junk as part of their education. Here is how our household deals with Halloween:

  1. We allow the children to eat as much of the candy as they like for the one evening.
  2. If they don’t like the candy, I encourage them to spit-out the candy and discard it into a pile of refuse.
  3. After they have eaten their fill, the candy goes in the garbage. It is one of the few times I encourage wastefulness.

What I like about this policy is that I can conform to societal norms while at the same time feel confident I’m not hurting my children’s health. It’s just once a year, right? Unfortunately, after doing this program for a number of years, I have noticed a few negative outcomes, including lying and hoarding.

Every year my children agree to this arrangement around Halloween. They love dressing up and plan their homemade costumes for months. The act of going trick-or-treating and the excitement of the night is irresistible. When they get home, they are happy to spit-out yucky tasting candies and are grateful that I’m not worried about wastefulness. Within a few hours, the super sweet binge is over and the candy goes in the garbage.

Well, that’s the plan. But my children have dumpster dived for candy and even gone to the trouble of hiding candy at a friend’s home. I find the behavior of my children strange. Normally, my children don’t lie or hide a hoard, but candy seems to have the power to motivate them into less than ideal behavior. Even indulging once a year, these sugary treats have a powerful hold on my children.

I really don’t know what to do. As a mother I can only do so much. Our household is like an island in a sea of community. Without the support of other like-minded families, our battle with industrial junk is likely a losing one. In my mind’s eye, I can see our community change the nature of our holidays and make them fun and nourishing for our children. Jill Escher has some ideas about how Moms could transform Halloween.

One new idea I’m going to try this Halloween is to “trade” industrial junk for artisan quality chocolate. I would prefer to know and control the ingredients that are in their treats. My hope is that quality chocolate and confectioneries will educate my children’s pallet. None of my children have taken me up on this offer yet, but I am hopeful. Honestly, can a high quality organic chocolate or confectionery lose out to industrial junk? I will find out this year.

I find it ironic, that as I try not to buckle under societal pressure regarding Halloween, Michael Schmidt is into day 23 of his hunger strike, fighting for our collective food freedom. So what’s it going to be: trick-or-treat?

November 4, 2011: Both girls decided to trade their industrial junk for artisan quality chocolate, organic chips, organic mulberries, and organic nut butters. It was interesting to see what the girls wanted but the price tag was high. I spent about $150 on this experiment. We planned for a Bon Bon Fire but everyone was too tired by the end of an exciting Halloween day. I just gave away the industrial junk. My eldest daughter went to her first Halloween dance and enjoyed chocolate cupcakes and a few pieces of industrial junk. Yesterday, she ended up in bed with her first cold of the year. Some people believe sugar will suppress the immune system for a number of hours after ingestion. I treated her with homemade Elderberry Syrup and local propolis for sore throat and Hibiscus tea for extra vitamin C. I also made up some soothing homemade chicken vegetable soup with extra garlic.

December 8, 2012: Here is a documentary called Big Sugar: Sweet, White and Deadly by Brian McKenna. Join the movement to have a sugar-free Halloween.

December 30, 2012: Diet plays a very big roll in mental health. Here is a lecture by Dr Russell Blaylock about how poor nutrition can bring a young person into a world of violence, crime, depression and suicide. Not very sweet news.

Updated October 30, 2016: It’s been a long time since I wrote this post. Since I wrote this post, my girls have become young women. They are past the days of getting excited about dress-up and trick-or-treat. We now have a Mexican feast or Meat Lover’s Pizza for Halloween. We also enjoy watching a scary or spooky movie together! No candy to be found anywhere! I hope you have a safe and enjoyable Halloween!

Sugar Free Halloween?


What do you think about a skeleton riding a bicycle? Would our children find Hallaween a deeper experience if it wasn't all about candy?

Could it be possible? Could we have a sugar free Halloween? This is the hope of Jill Escher of She is the founder of the first annual Sugar Addiction Awareness Day (SAAD) which is happening on October 30, 2011. Jill says, “the point of SAAD is to enlighten as many people as we can about the reality of sugar and refined food addictions, and provide general guidance about overcoming them. Halloween is the perfect hook for this important message.

Here are some of Jill’s ideas for a sugar free Halloween:

  1. Make a sugar free Halloween poster and post it on your front door: “Sugar-Free Halloween House” or “This House Not Haunted by Junk Food”.
  2. Instead of handing out candy at the front door give children: pencils, toys, books, glow-in-the-dark sticks, necklaces, masks, fortunes without the cookies, funny jewelry, small school supplies, quarters, or other fun alternatives.
  3. Hand out custom made bracelets or buttons with sugar free messages such as: “I’m a Sugar-Free Kid” or “Say Boo to Junk Food”.
  4. Find something your children want and make an exchange for your children’s Halloween candy. Find a local dentist who will “buy” Halloween candy. Offer to “buy” Halloween candy from your neighborhood children.
  5. If permitted, hold a Candy Bonfire in your yard’s fire pit. Invite the local children to burn their junk food in the fire and watch. (warning: messy!)
  6. Work with other families on your block to turn yours into a candy free street. Organize a Halloween block party with fun activities that don’t include junk food.
  7. Take the Sugar Is Spooky Challenge and have your whole family go sugar free on Halloween and the following week.
  8. Don’t participate in the Halloween tradition. Turn off the porch light and enjoy a quiet evening without adding to your local community’s sugar load.

October 30th is Sugar Addiction Awareness Day! Are you going to have a sugar free Halloween?

December 8, 2012: Here is a documentary called Big Sugar: Sweet, White and Deadly by Brian McKenna. Join the movement to have a sugar-free Halloween.

December 30, 2012: Diet plays a very big roll in mental health. Here is a lecture by Dr Russell Blaylock about how poor nutrition can bring a young person into a world of violence, crime, depression and suicide. Not very sweet news.

Questions About the SCD, GAPS and PD

With the Paleo Diet, you’ll be restoring the diet you are genetically programmed to eat. You’ll be eating the diet that every single person on the planet ate only 500 generations ago. It is the diet the modern world has completely forgotten. The Paleo Diet is simplicity itself. Here are the ground rules:

  1. All the lean meats, fish and seafood you can eat
  2. All the fruits and non-starchy vegetables you can eat
  3. No cereals
  4. No legumes
  5. No dairy products
  6. No processed foods

The Paleo Diet is not a fat-free diet, it’s a “bad fat” free diet. It has few of the artery-clogging saturated fats found on the low carbohydrate, high fat fad diets, but there is plenty of low fat protein and good fats – such as those found in salmon and other cold water fish, as well as in nuts and olive oil.

The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain

Recently, I have had a number of people ask my opinion about the Paleo Diet. If you put the three programs on a continuum from least restrictive to most restrictive, the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) would be first, followed by Gut And Psychology Syndrome (GAPS), then the Paleo Diet (PD). The only area that the PD is less restrictive then the SCD and GAPS is the PD allows starches. All these diets are very healing and can cure the incurable. All these dietary programs want you to get off industrial processed foods which may be the major reason why these dietary programs work so well. These dietary programs restrict many of the same foods but the diets have some major philosophical differences. The saying, “the devil is in the details,” is true for these diets.

Here is a tongue-in-cheek book review by Sally Fallon written in 2002 about The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain. I found Sally Fallon’s humorous description of the PD very enlightening. In the past, I used to eat a low fat diet and was very worried about all fats, especially saturated fat. I used to skin my chicken, chop off all signs of fat from my steak, and ate only egg whites. The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain would have agreed with my saturated fat phobia. When I read Sally Fallon’s description of “Peter Paleolith”, I laughed and laughed. After that description I knew the truth was our ancestors would have done anything for fat including cracking bones and skulls for marrow and brains! Sometimes, humor is the only way to break through closely held beliefs.

Loren Condain also does some interesting mental gymnastics in The Paleo Diet. He states, “lean meat is brain food” and follows up this statement with: “At first, humans were not terribly good hunters. They started out as scavengers who trailed behind predators such as lions and ate the leftovers remaining on abandoned carcasses. The pickings were slim: ravenous lions don’t leave much behind, except for bones. But with their handy tools (stone anvils and hammers), our early ancestors could crack the skulls and bones and still find something to eat – brains and fatty marrow. Marrow fat was the main concentrated energy source that enabled the early human gut to shrink, while the scavenged brains contained a specific type of omega 3 fat called “docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which allowed the [human] brain to expand.”

So which is it? Does lean meat build brains or does fat build brains? Loren Condain likely believed the low fat dogma of his day like many other intelligent people. But he becomes disingenuous when he states the PD is a return to our ancestral diet while manipulating the diet to fit modern tastes and quoting current dietary dogma. I would image it was an easier sell to base a diet book on lean meat and vegetables rather than bone marrow and brains.

When I started, I had to decide which dietary program best illustrated my dietary approach. The SCD/GAPS program was the best fit but I always used some elements of the PD. I used many PD recipes and found PD resources to be very helpful. I just ignored the fat and salt phobia. I did not eat starches that are restricted on the SCD/GAPS program. At the time, a large segment of the Paleo movement were thinking some strange thoughts, like believing our ancestors ate skinned chicken breasts, didn’t use salt, and ignored the use of raw dairy in numerous traditional cultures.

The PD condemns all grains, legumes and beans. Grains, legumes, and beans are “poisons” for me, but I know many people do very well on these foods if properly prepared. Even though I do well on a low carbohydrate diet, low carbohydrate diets do not work well for all people. Some people need more carbohydrates to function optimally. Micro-nutrient needs are very individual and can change for the individual if activity levels change or as we age. The PD allows starches but both the SCD/GAPS restrict these foods because the people that are helped by the SCD/GAPS cannot digest complex starches.? Finally, the PD had many views that counter the opinions of the Weston A Price Foundation, an organization I have great respect for. The WAPF got me on a high fat diet, a change I will forever be grateful for.

All three dietary programs completely restrict all grains and their products. The SCD/GAPS does allow a limited amount of beans and legumes. Since I do not eat either of these food groups, I am more of a PD follower in this one area. In the past, I avoided all dairy which is one of the restrictions of the PD and the extreme version of GAPS. Since I found a source of raw milk, I have been able to re-introduce raw cheese, fermented dairy products, and even liquid raw milk. Liquid milk is restricted on all three dietary programs.

I was still scared about eating more fat. It was this book review and other WAPF articles about traditional diets that made me brave enough to take the chance and go high fat with my diet. My experience going high fat was very positive. I “cured” my health problems which included: asthma, allergies, chronic sinus infections, yeast infections, osteoarthritis and epilepsy. For more details please read: Specific Carbohydrate Diet: A Personal Story.

Over the last number of years more research has come to light about the importance of fat in the diet. If you read the link above you will know I identify with the SCD/GAPS but really I am on a combination of all three dietary approaches. In the past, I could not identify with the PD movement because of the Paleo dogma around low fat/high protein, salt, and dairy. Well now I can identify with the PD movement, because the PD movement is realizing that raw dairy, especially fermented dairy, high fat cream, and butter, can be good for many people. Of course, even the best quality dairy is not for everyone.


This is a modified paleo burger. Loren Cordain would be horrified to see raw cheese on this burger. Many paleo diet followers are now including raw dairy, if they consume dairy at all. In the Paleo Community the term "Swiss Paleo" is used to describe people consuming raw dairy.

The dogma about low fat diets being better is finally being seen as erroneous. I just found a great website about the “modified” PD called Paleo Diet Lifestyle. I have read most of the website and I agree with everything I have read. I also really like Mark’s Daily Apple for great PD recipes and “Paleo lifestyle” information. He has free ebooks for PD recipes and body weight exercises that can be done anywhere without any equipment. Even though I really like Mark’s Daily Apple, I do not endorse his use of supplements. These are not real foods but industrial nutraceuticals. Guidelines from the Weston A Price Foundation recommend eating real foods from a quality source first, and then the use of superfoods, if necessary. Here is my use of superfoods.

Finally, what I like about SCD/GAPS philosophy is that after the person heals their gut the person may be able to go back to eating ?some? of the restricted foods. For those people that can tolerate these foods, the WAPF gives good advice on how to properly prepare these sometime troublesome foods. Of course, many of us do not go back to eating these foods because if we do, we get sick again.

The PD would state that these foods are bad for everyone and if we value our health and longevity we should never eat these foods again. The WAPF states many traditional cultures used ?properly? prepared dairy, grains, legumes and beans. For many of us, we are too damaged to consume these foods. The question each of us must answer for ourselves is, which of these foods made us sick? My great-grandfather used to say: ?If the food doesn?t agree with you, leave it alone.? Good advice for all of us.

One last word about the PD. What I really like about the PD philosophy is trying to image the food and lifestyle of our ancestors. No one can doubt the vitality of these primate people nor that our modern food and lifestyle is not working for many of us. The PD has come a long way from its original form and the lifestyle of our ancestors might hold the key to functional longevity and a sane habitation of our planet.

The “modified” PD lifestyle might be the program for you if you would like to “plateau your aging at a younger age”. Did I say plateau your aging at a younger age? Did I say stop aging? Here is a link to a video about Michael Rose, an Evolutionary Biologist whose research focus has been on natural selection and aging. Here is Jimmy Moore’s Episode 478: Evolutionary Biologist Michael Rose On The Paleo Connection To Achieving Biological Immortality. If you find this video catches your interest, please see the 55 Theses, which explores and expands the ideas in the video.

Sorry, but the 55 Theses are a total grind, but if you live a longer functional life, you will have the time! The author of the 55 Theses is Rob Paterson who maintains a website called Missing Human Manual. Give yourself a few days to read the material. It will be a wild ride. I guarantee it!

Updated December 5, 2013: Sally Fallon Morell has written a essay on the Difference Between the Weston A Price Foundation Diet and the Paleo Diet.



Frugavore by Arabella Forge celebrates the simple pleasure of peasant food.

Some might see the word “peasant” as a derogatory term? In fact, the word is derived from the fifteenth-century French word “paisant”, meaning a person from the local “pays”, or countryside. By definition a peasant is any person who lives or works close to the land? The peasant diet has been described as “simple and nourishing,” and their health was all the better for it.
Frugavore by Arabella Forge

A few months ago, I wrote a posting called What’s a Starving Student to do About Food? This posting was to help the student, or anyone on a tight budget, find ways to eat nourishing traditional foods. I had just received my copy of Wise Traditions, a quarterly journal produced by the Weston A Price Foundation. The journal had a review about a new book called Frugavore. This book is written by Arabella Forge, the Weston A Price Leader in Melbourne, Australia. Frugavore has not been released in Canada yet, but you can get it through

A few days ago, my sister Christine surprised me with a copy of Frugavore. She ordered the book from Australia. I enjoyed reading the book. It was fun to read about regional specialties like Kangaroo-Tail Soup and finding a man to urinate on your garden’s lemon tree. At the beginning of each recipe Arabella has helpful advice for the new Frugavore. Each section begins with a philosophical discussion on how to be a frugal with our food dollars while maintaining a high quality food supply for our families. Arabella discusses small scale gardening, household waste reduction, methods of food preparation, and safe household cleaning. If you have problems with the Nightshades you will need to make some substitutions. If you are on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, some of the recipes will not be suitable. For those who can enjoy grains, legumes and beans, Arabella walks you through the process of traditional preparation for these peasant foods.

The first recipe I tried from the book was a success. Both of my girls, known for their dislike of squash, finished their bowls and asked for more. I have made some local changes to the recipe.

Pumpkin Soup
1/2 acorn squash, steamed and peeled
1 small sweet pumpkin, steamed and peeled
1T fat or butter
1tsp sea salt
1 large onion, chopped
2 medium carrots, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1-2tsp allspice, freshly ground
fresh parsley or chives, chopped
4-6c chicken stock or bone broth
In a large soup pot, saute the onions and salt in the fat until golden brown. Add the carrots and garlic near the end of the cooking. In another large pot, put about one inch of water in the bottom. Quarter the squash and steam until soft. Remove the squash from the pot and peel after the squash has cooled. Puree the squash with a food processor. Use the steaming water to thin out the squash, if needed. Add the sauted vegetables to the squash and puree until smooth. Return the mixture to the large soup pot and add enough broth to have a smooth soup.