David versus Monsanto

David versus Monsanto is streaming for FREE until November 10, 2012, courtesy of mercola.com. Sorry, that there is so little time left to watch for free.

The documentary is about David Runyon, a Saskatchewan farmer. He finally won his case against Monsanto after a long, expensive legal battle. Last week’s documentary called Bitter Seeds showed the horrific effects of genetically modified cotton on Indian farmers. David versus Monsanto shows the harm genetically modified canola is doing to Canadian farmers.

One more note. If you think that your family is safe from eating genetically modified crops because you spend extra money on certified organic foods, you are wrong. Certified organic farms all over the world are getting contaminated with genetically modified organisms and losing their certification. This is why many concerned people are doing everything in their power to stop the introduction of new genetically modified crops. Here are just a very few articles from the internet on how certified organic farms are becoming contaminated:
GM contamination of organic crop confirmed
GMO Contamination Ruins 60% of Aussie Farmer?s Organic Crop
US organic food industry fears GMO contamination