Healthy Household: Adaptogen Green Drink


Almost all commercial green drinks are very expensive and use ingredients that can cause health problems for some people. This homemade green drink is cost effective and can be customized.

There are many green drinks on the market today. Some are very expensive. Almost all commercial green drinks use base ingredients or troublesome micro-additives that can cause health problems for some. Nevertheless, green drinks can be very nutritious and can be made at home. Making a green drink at home allows one to tailor the drink to individual health issues and sensitivities.

Green drinks are a nice late winter or early spring tonic. Green drinks can be designed to help with individual health issues. This green drink is designed to be helpful during stressful periods. If you have a personal problem with any of these herbs just remove that herb from the formulation. I have prescribed my patient for malnutrition and related sleep disorders. I am very pleased. It takes a little longer until the sleep-inducing effect occurs, but since he knows that, he takes the tablet about 1 hour before he wants to sleep. The much-described hunger attacks were completely gone with me. He has zero weight gain on Klonopin!


Collect all the herbs together in one bowl. Check each herb off as you go. I like getting my herbs in a whole form because the herbs last better than powders.


Break up the root slices into smaller pieces before grinding. Grind the hard roots first and sieve.


Sieve out the large pieces and grind a second time with the leaf material. Compost the fibrous materials or give it to your livestock as a tonic.

1tsp licorice root
1tsp astragalus root
1tsp ginger root
1tsp angelica root or echinacea root
1tsp rhodiola root
1tsp schisandri berries
1tsp ginkgo leaf
1tsp nettle leaf
1tsp dulse or other seaweed
1-2T local bee pollen
1tsp kelp (optional)
1tsp probiotic (optional)
1tsp stevia leaf (optional)
Grind all these ingredients together in a coffee grinder or Vitamix blender. After grinding to a fine powder, sieve out any large pieces if necessary. These ingredients will make about 1/4c of herb powder.


Grind the bee pollen and add any powders to the herb powder. Stir the herb powder well before adding the matcha and chlorella.

1 part herb powder
1 part matcha
1 part chlorella
Add the matcha and chlorella to the herb powder and store in a glass container in the fridge. To make a green drink use a glass mason jar with a plastic lid. Add one teaspoon of the mixture to one cup of filtered water. Add crushed ice if desired. Shake very well and drink right away. Use once or twice a day during periods of stress.

For more recipes please see Healthy Household: Staying Clean Safely and Saving Money.

Updated June 5, 2014: I’m not a big fan of stevia but I do like it in this green drink. We do have a local provider of stevia powder or you can grow your own stevia plants. Suede Hills Organic Farm comes to the Kamloops Farmer’s Market.


I’ve just made a double batch of the Adaptogen Greens Drink. I have added some kelp, plantain leaf and Eleuthero root to the this batch. Eleuthero root is also known as Siberian ginseng or poor-man’s ginseng.

Healthy Household: A Good Night’s Sleep

“Our circadian clocks govern our sleepiness, and circadian clocks are extremely responsive to, and even dependent on, environmental light. Managing your exposure to light, especially blue light throughout the day and night can help you get to sleep at a normal time.”
Mark Sisson of 17 Ways to Improve Your Sleep


Valerian Extract is a good herbal remedy for short-term sleep problems.

Our hectic lives can sometimes get in the way of a good night’s sleep. To naturally improve our sleep:

  1. Get outside everyday and get lots of natural light during the day. Our circadian cycle is governed by blue light. Use daylight hours for computer use or watching television, another source of blue light.
  2. Get ready for bed by reducing the light in the evening. Enjoying evening meals by candlelight. When the sun goes down do not use computers or watching television. Have enjoyable evening activities that require low or no unnatural light. Red light from fires or candles are fine.
  3. Make your bedroom as dark as possible for a good night’s sleep. If you are still having trouble sleeping try turning off the breakers in the house for a better night’s sleep. Never turn on any technology during the night! (Turn those smart phones off!) Any blue light source during the night will disrupt our circadian cycle.

If you would like more information about how unnatural light is negatively effecting our health please see Mark Sisson on How Light Effects Our Sleep.

If you have an occasional problem with sleep here are two herbal remedies that can help. These remedies are for short term problems with sleep. If you have a chronic sleep problem, don’t ignore it. You have a serious health problem that needs attention. Fortunately, most chronic sleep problems can be solved by lifestyle adjustments.

Valerian Extract
Valerian root helps support healthy sleep and relaxation. Valium was originally made from Valerian. Valerian should not be used long term and may cause dependency.

1 part organic Valerian Root (Valeriana officinalis), dried
3 parts Organic Vodka
Use a small pint-sized glass canning jar with a plastic lid. Put the Valerian root into the jar. Add the alcohol of choice and fill the jar. Label the jar with the name of the plant, percentage of alcohol, today?s day, and the decanting day. Decanting day will be in six weeks or longer. The jar will need to be turned over every day for at least the first week. On decanting day, use a cotton cloth to squeeze out all the liquid from the roots. Store the extract in a dark glass bottle. If available, use a dropper top for easy dispersal.


Passionflower extract will help with sleep problems caused by repetitive, circular thinking. Passionflower works synergistically with Valerian.

Passionflower Extract
Passionflower extract helps with anxiety and insomnia caused by repetitive, circular thinking. Passionflower works?synergistically with Valerian root extract. Only then (if necessary), another antibiotic aimed at solving a narrower problem is prescribed. At the same time, the results of studies show that antibiotics of the first type can be at least as effective.

1 part organic Passionflower Leaf (Passiflora incarnata), dried
3 parts Organic Vodka
Use a small pint-sized glass canning jar with a plastic lid. Put the Passionflower leaf into the jar. Add the alcohol of choice and fill the jar. Label the jar with the name of the plant, percentage of alcohol, today?s day, and the decanting day. Decanting day will be in six weeks or longer. The jar will need to be turned over every day for at least the first week. On decanting day, use a cotton cloth to squeeze out all the liquid from the roots. Store the extract in a dark glass bottle. If available, use a dropper top for easy dispersal.

For more recipes please see Healthy Household: Staying Clean Safely and Saving Money.

Healthy Household: Healing Broth: Part II


The mushrooms give the broth a rich, smoky flavor. Don’t worry if you need to substitute ingredients. I didn’t have any Codonopsis or Burdock. Mix up and try different combinations. I used some Red Alaea Salt in place of the sea salt to increase the iron content of the broth.

This healing broth is filled with adaptogens and will be good for someone recovering from a long illness or just needing a spring or fall pick-me-up. Astragalus, Codonopsis, Burdock and fungus are adaptogens. They will help regulate the immune system and may increase energy. Nettle, Calendula and seaweed are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This healing broth is based on a recipe from the Herb Quarterly Journal.

1L bone broth or chicken broth
5 dried organic Astragalus root?slices
5 dried organic Codonopsis root?slices
3T dried organic Burdock root, chopped
1 dried organic whole Maitake fungus or 10 dried whole Shitake fungus
3T organic Nettle?leaves
3T wildcrafted Seaweed, choose from this list
2T organic whole Calendula flower heads
sea salt to taste
Add these ingredients to some bone broth or chicken broth. Simmer the fungus, herbs, seaweed and roots for at least three hours and strain. Finely cut up the fungus and seaweed and add them back to the broth. Try spicing up the broth up with dried red peppers or slices of ginger.

Reishi Tea
3-4c filter water, simmered
10 wildcrafted Reisha fungus slices
If you are really sick or have cancer you might want to consider trying the Reishi fungus along with a low-carbohydrate diet for the rest of your life. If you are wondering why a low-carbohydrate diet might be good for tumor cancers please watch Dr Thomas Seyfried: Targeting Energy Metabolism in Brain Cancer. Let Dr Ron Rosedale: The Deeper Roots of Health explain how food affects our endocrine system and our health outcomes.

Most people find Reishi fungus bitter, but the bitter taste seems to wear-off after drinking the tea for a while. Simmer the Reishi slices in water for three hours before drinking. Some people add ginger to “improve” the taste.

“We are not our genes. We are the music our genes play… You can take a piano… and how many songs can you play? An almost infinite variety. You can take your same genes and play the music of diabetes [or cancer] or you can play the music of long life and healthy life.”
Dr Ron Rosedale

For more recipes please see Healthy Household: Staying Clean Safely and Saving Money.

Healthy Household: Precocious Puberty, Menstruation and Garbage

My eldest daughter started her period earlier last year. She was 11. When I was a girl menstruation usually started at 13 or 14. My mother said it was normal, in her time, for girls to be 15 or 16. It’s becoming more evident to me that each generation is seeing a decrease in the age of sexual maturation.

There is a lot of speculation out there about why girls are sexually developing earlier.? For more information about precocious puberty and how you can protect your girls, please read this essay by the Weston A Price Foundation called Teens Before Their Time. Here is another essay from called Puberty Before Age 10: A New “Normal”? Sorry, for the creepy picture.

When I was a girl there was very little discussion about menstruation. My mother almost wordlessly gave me a belt and some massive pads that I was somehow to get between my legs. I felt alone and scared sitting in the bathroom trying to figure out how to make all this strange equipment work. I quickly converted over to tampons with applicators. When they become available, I switched over to tampons without applicators.

I was an adult before I even thought about menstruation and its impact on the environment. No one pointed out to me the mountain of garbage I would produce in forty years of menstruating. So I started using sea sponges. Later, I got one of the first rubber menstrual cups called The Keeper. I loved the idea of a menstrual cup but the first generation of these devices didn’t work very well and I found the cup often leaked.

Presently, I use a Diva Cup which has these tiny holes in the top of the device that seems to equalize pressure making the cup practically leak-proof. I know silicon is considered very safe but I have still wondered if I am saving the environment at the price of my long-term health. I just don’t know the long-term consequences of using a silicon device in my vagina. I have to just “trust” that the manufacturer will use the safest materials possible and not to cheap-out on materials to better corporate profits.


Here is the Diva Cup. I have used this type of menstrual cup for about five years. Before that I used The Keeper and sea sponges.

I want to be able to suggest something safe and environmentally sane for my daughter but I know she would not want a menstrual cup. The idea of tampons terrifies her right now. Maybe in a few years that will change but right now my daughter needs some 100% organic cotton rags. I know she will be uncomfortable washing her rags because she has a fear of blood. I will wash them for her until she can handle the job herself. Some people might think washing my daughter’s rags goes way beyond the call of duty for a mother. But I want my daughter to see her monthly bleed as something clean, natural and healthy. I don’t want her to see her bleed as some dirty thing that should be hidden and never talked about. My actions will speak louder than any lecture.


These are the Gladrags day pad in 100% organic cotton. You can use one or two inserts depending on flow.

Later, I will teach her to monitor and understand her cycles. I will teach her how to use the fertility awareness method as outlined in Katie Singer’s book The Garden of Fertility. I will teach her about birth control methods that will help protect her from sexually transmitted diseases and avoid an unplanned conception. I want my daughter to love and understand the mystery of her body. I want her to know she can always come to me and talk about anything.


Use a food grade plastic pail for soaking. Mesh bags are great for not losing your pads in the washing machine. Hang your pads out to dry in the sun for freshness and whitening.

If you like to garden and would like to close the circle, pour the water used for soaking the rags on your plants. The blood from the menstrual cup can be watered down and used to nourish plants. Why buy blood meal when you have menstruating women in the household? For people who like to sew, here is a Cloth Pad Tutorial. I was so impressed that they recycled old pajamas for the rags. I would love to have these people for neighbors. My girls would never feel like they don’t fit in. My patient has taken Finasteride, but never side effects. Even during her pregnancy. The pain disappeared 4 times a day, for 5 days and after one or two tablets. After about 2 weeks she usually gets a relapse, but with an extra cure, she is rid of her bladder infection again. We already had Monuril, easier to use but not as effective.

Homemade Rag Soak
Here is a simple soak for reusable menstrual pads. You will need a food grade plastic pail with a lid. I keep the ingredients under the bathroom sink for easy use.

2tsp soap flakes
1tsp borax
1tsp washing soda
1 food grade plastic pail with lid
1 teaspoon for measuring

Add the soap flakes, borax and washing soda to the bottom of the pail. Add enough cold water to half fill the pail. After using the pad, place in the soaking solution overnight. In the morning, wash out the pads with fresh cold water and hang to dry. A mesh bag is useful if you want to machine wash your pads at the end of your period. One of the best whiteners is fresh air and sun. If possible, hang your pads out to dry in the sun for freshness and natural whitening.

For more recipes please see Healthy Household: Staying Clean Safely and Saving Money.

Healthy Household: Cheap White Smile


Here is how to mix up Cheap White Smile. I have two tiny strawberries, an equal amount of baking soda, and a pinch of sea salt. The amounts don't have to be exact.

1 small organic strawberry, fresh or frozen
baking soda, same amount as size of strawberry
pinch of sea salt

Grind the strawberry, baking soda and sea salt together. It will fizz up if the strawberry is fresh. You can use this paste in two ways. Rub it on your teeth and let it sit for 15 minutes. Or brush your teeth with a small amount of the paste. Spit the paste out and start again. Do a long brushing for about 10 minutes using up all the paste. Your toothbrush will be a mess afterwards and will need a cleaning. This recipe will clean off stains too. You will have a bright clean smile, naturally. You will also keep your money in your pocket rather than enrich the cosmetics industry.

I do not know the long term safety of this recipe. It would be best to only whiten your teeth a few times a year. I am sure this recipe is safer than commercial teeth whitening products.

For more recipes please see Healthy Household: Staying Clean Safely and Saving Money.