Our Children’s Teeth – Choices a Family Needs to Make


Original appearance of identical twins.

I wish I knew then what I know now before conceiving my children. If I had known about the work of Dr. Weston A. Price, I could have eaten differently, and saved my family money and suffering. Maybe I could have avoided the problems I now see in the faces of my two girls.

My two girls suffer from such a common problem, it is now seen as “normal”. My girls do not have enough space in their mouths for all their teeth. This is the “physical degeneration” Dr. Weston A. Price saw in all primitive communities after exposure of only one generation to the “displacing foods of modern commerce”. In his time the “displacing foods” were: white sugar, white flour, pasteurized milk, canned foods, vegetable oils and convenience items with extenders and additives.


Here are the twins after dental intervention. First twin has standard orthodontic treatment and second twin had orthopedic treatment.

So what’s a Mother to do? I can’t go back in time and correct my errors but I can try not to make anymore. For the last three years, I have fed my family the most nourishing, quality foods I can find. We completely avoid all “displacing foods” except for holidays. Halloween, Valentine’s and Easter without candy seems to cause social problems with our children’s schooling community. Nevertheless, this approach of avoiding all “displacing foods”, except for children’s holidays, has improved my children’s health. Their dentist Dr. Hugh Thomson has noted the girls have “cavity resistant teeth”. This is a very good sign we are doing something right. But it does not solve the structural problems in the mouths of my children.

As a child, I had very crowded teeth and so many cavities I have lost count. I had eight extractions: four bicuspids and four wisdom teeth. I wore braces for two years and a retainer for one year. This is standard orthodontic practice. This process was fairly traumatic for me because I lived my prepubescent years with big spaces in my mouth due to the removal of the four bicuspids. Then I spent three years of my adolescence with braces. I always felt ugly.

When I was at the Weston A Price Conference in California last November, I heard a lecture by Dr. Louisa L. Williams. She introduced me to the difference between orthodontic and orthopedic dental practices. It was during this lecture that the lights came on for me. When I came home from the conference, I started reading her book Radical Medicine: Profound Intervention in a Profoundly Toxic Age. After reading the 1000 plus page book, I understood what Dr. Hugh Thomson wanted to do with Sonja’s emerging dental problems.

I feel really grateful for that lecture and book because I understood why I needed to move on Sonja’s work. Orthopedic dentistry works on improving the basic structure of the mouth compared to orthodontic dentistry which is more concerned with appearance. Orthopedic dentistry works best with younger children that are growing fast. It would have been better to start with Sonja at seven years of age. Sonja had two problems. First, she had a “finger sucking habit” which had to be broken before her pallet could be expanded. She had just turned nine when we started the pallet expansion. Pallet expansion works best before a child loses her baby molars. This usually happens at about eleven. So far, her top front teeth have lots of space now. Her lower jaw is still back, but nothing is holding her jaw back except the muscles and tendons which will loosen over time. I remind her to bring her jaw forward whenever I notice.

We thought we had gotten lucky with Erika. She had an over-bite but her teeth looked really straight. I was a bit worried because I have noticed that most children that have straight teeth as adults, have spaces between their teeth by age six. We put “overlays” on her baby molars which corrected her over-bite. In theory, when her adult molars come in they come in at the new height, permanently correcting the over-bite. When the baby teeth with the overlays fall out, their job is done.

Big changes happen in a child’s mouth at about seven. Erika’s permanent teeth came in crowded. About a month ago, Erika got an upper pallet expander. The pallet expander is on the inside of the teeth so the appliance is not visible. She will need an expander for her lower jaw, which Dr. Hugh Thomson recommended inserting about a month later, after Erika became used to the upper appliance. Even in a month, I can see more space for her upper teeth. Pallet expansion works best with younger children. It can happen really quickly.

It is my hope that my children will be able to keep all 32 of their teeth. I have only 24 teeth to chew my food. In Radical Medicine, Dr. Louisa Williams states pallet expansion improves digestion because it avoids extractions and maintains all the teeth for chewing food. Also, the pallet expansion increases the space in the mid-brain area. The mid-brain area houses the seat of our endocrine system, the pituitary gland. This helps the pituitary gland function normally. Hopefully, my girls will have their dental work all done before they hit their teenage years. The cost of early orthopedic intervention appears to by a fraction of the cost of regular orthodontic treatment.

Update October 2, 2009: Erika has had her lower appliance in for about a week. This appliance will increase the size of her lower jaw to accommodate her permanent teeth. The appliance has a key and lock system which increases the tension. We adjust the appliance twice a week ourselves. The biggest issue of earlier intervention with young children is that the parent must be willing to clean the appliance and child’s teeth at least once daily. It is too much to expect a seven year old to have the dexterity to clean their mouth sufficiently.

Undated December 27, 2009: I have just found a very informative blog by Stephan Guyenet called Whole Health Source. This is a link to his writings about Dental Health. There are many very good photos and references for further reading on the topic. Please note the famous Identical Twin Study. One twin was given standard orthodontic treatment and the other was given orthopedic treatment. Note the different in the facial outcomes in the identical twins.

Updated January 4, 2010: If you are looking for a dentist in your area trained in Holistic/Biological/Environmental Dentistry please search these websites:
The International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine
The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
Holistic Dental Association

Supplements or Superfoods

In our fast paced world, eating nutritious food can seem impossible. The medical profession will often recommend a daily vitamin and mineral supplement as “insurance” against poor eating habits. It seems so easy to just take a pill a day, and forget about the whole problem. When a person starts thinking like this, it’s not much of a leap to believe that taking extra supplements will protect against a really poor diet. But how well does this practice really work? If you would like to learn more about the Nutraceutical Industry read Dietary Supplements: What the Industry does not want you to Know by Dr. Ron Schmid.

The Weston A Price Foundation believes we should get all of our nutritional needs met by whole foods in a nutrient dense diet. Looking at the quality of our diet, and the quality of the food sources within our diet, should always be a first step.

The Weston A Price Foundation is not big on supplements unless you’re under the care of a health professional. But the use of food based supplements, known as super-foods, is supported.

If you are looking at supplementation, start with a high quality diet of unprocessed whole foods from a quality local source. Then, if you are looking for “insurance” consider a program of super-foods. Weston A Price Foundation has a standard supplement guideline for healthy people eating a nutrient dense diet:
1. fermented cod liver oil and/or fermented skate liver oil
2. high vitamin butter oil
3. variety of super-foods depending on personal needs (Here is Sally Fallon’s Guide to Superfoods.)

If you would like to read some essays on this simple program please read the following essays:
1. Cod Liver Oil
2. Guide to Superfoods
3. Vitamin A Knavery

Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)


This book saved my health and the health of my daughter.

The Specific Carbohydrate Diet is a special dietary program for very sick people. This diet was originally, developed and clinically tested by Drs Sidney and Merrill Haas. They wrote a book in the 1950s called Management of Celiac Disease, where they treated and cured hundreds of cases of celiac disease and cystic fibrosis of the pancreas.

At this time, celiac disease included a number of other disorders the medical profession now considers different diseases such as: ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis and chronic diarrhea. For some reason, SCD disappeared as a first line of treatment for intestinal disease around the time that celiac disease became connected with the protein gluten. Celiac disease is now considered a genetic disorder and the standard treatment is the Gluten Free Diet. This diet works well with about half of all celiac patients.

The SCD would have likely passed into medical history, if it wasn’t for a mom with a very sick child. Elaine Gottchall’s daughter was dying from ulcerative colitis and was plagued by seizures. She found out about the diet, cured her daughter, and went back to school and became a biochemist. She wrote a number of books including: Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet. She became a crusader on behalf of dietary approaches to illnesses.

Elaine Gottchall developed a website called: www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info. The website was formed to help people with digestive disorders find answers not known in conventional medical circles. The modern SCD restricts all disaccharide sugars and complex starches. All processed foods are eliminated. Grains, legumes, and most beans are eliminated. No starchy vegetables are allowed. Dairy is carefully restricted or in some serious cases eliminated. Nuts and seeds can be eaten with care. The diet consists of unprocessed fats, proteins and monosaccharide sugars. Monosaccharide sugars include non-starchy vegetables, whole fruit, and honey.

Over time something began to happen. People using the SCD found their other chronic health conditions became less serious or completely disappeared. Diseases caused by inflammation or autoimmune reactions seem to be helped in some way by the diet. This includes: asthma, allergies, chronic sinus infections, type two diabetes, arthritis, MS, heart disease, seizure disorders, epilepsy, depression, schizophrenia, autism and the spectrum disorders. The list continues to grow.


GAPS is the new SCD. GAPS adds probiotics and nourishing traditional food preparation.

Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS): A New Evolution of the SCD

The Gut and Psychology Syndrome is a new evolution of the SCD. It was developed by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, a neurologist and nutritionist working in the UK. She has a son diagnosed with autism. As a neurologist she knew the conventional medical profession had little to offer her son. She took a degree in nutrition. She was introduced to the SCD at a lecture by Elaine Gottchall.

Over the last 15 years she has used the SCD clinically with her patients. She has changed the SCD in two major ways. She uses high dose probiotic treatment and WAPF traditional food preparation methods with her patients. She has had very good results in her clinical practice with patients with autism, schizophrenia and the spectrum disorders. Her son is now a teenager and no one would know he was once diagnosed with autism.

Dr Campbell-McBride has written two lay publications: Gut and Psychology Syndrome and Put Your Heart in Your Mouth. Both are available in the Kamloops Public Library. She has two websites that outlines the program called: www.gaps.me and www.behealthy.org.uk. A helpful North American website is called: www.gapsdiet.com. GAPS Guide is a website to help newcomers to the diet.

More Posts the SCD and GAPS
Specific Carbohydrate Diet: A Personal Story
Specific Carbohydrate Diet: Common Problems
Industrial Food Sickness
What is a Healthy Gut?
Questions about SCD, GAPS and PD

More Posts on Related Diet Topics
Supplements or Superfoods
Supplements or Superfoods: A Personal Story
Funny Troubles
Diabetes: A Modern Epidemic

Update December 16, 2009: This essay is by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride about Gut and Psychology Syndrome.

Updated March 1, 2010: This is from dogtorj.com about Gut Absorption Recovery Diet (GARD). John B. Symes is a vet and uses his experiences with animals to enlighten us on human health. The diet sounds a lot like the SCD/GAPS. It would be good for people with seizure disorders to read his material.

Updated April 16, 2010: Here is a video presentation by Mercola with Dr Andrew Wakefield. You may know of his work with developmental disorders, bowel disease and early exposure to vaccines. It is a long presentation but worth it for anyone interested in Autism and the Spectrum Disorders.

Updated April 16, 2011: Here is Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride lecturing on GAPS at the Weston A Price Foundation 2007 Conference. Her lecture is in two parts and can be downloaded here. Sally Fallon gives a brief overview of the research of Dr Weston A Price before introducing Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride. Please put some time aside to listen to this very interesting lecture:
WAPF2007 GAPS part1 6203.mp3
WAPF2007 GAPS part2 6219.mp3

Updated April 22, 2011: Sarah Smith is the WAPF Chapter Co-leader for Las Cruces, NM. She is also on the GAPS program with her family. If you are interested in GAPS recipes, gardening, and traditional meal preparation, please see Nourished and Nurtured.

Diabetes: A Modern Epidemic


This book is required reading for anyone newly diagnosed with Diabetes.

I became very interested in diabetes a few years ago as I started realizing it was an emerging epidemic. Something is very wrong with the diabetic’s metabolism. It is a strange disease that ages the sufferers at an increased rate. Whatever the diabetic is doing wrong, it’s something we as a population are doing wrong.

Diabetes is a modern epidermic. Once a disease of old age, it is now an emerging disease of children. This is a serious situation. According to the Center for Disease Control, a child born after 2000 will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. All because we as a population are doing something new that is making us all sick very slowly.

So, what is it? I have researched this question for about two years. There is a lot of controversy out there about the causes of diabetes. There seems to be very little interest in really curing diabetes. The focus is on the management of symptoms and making sure the patient can be just like everyone else. If you want to be just like everyone else, please go to the Canadian Diabetes Association website and they will fix you up with a nice normal diet and some insulin and medication.

For those of you who are willing to make some big changes in your life, I might have a lead on a cure. I found a wonderful little book called Life Without Bread: How a Low-carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life by Christian Allen and Wolfgang Lutz. It is an easy book to read when you are scared out of your mind, having just learned you have diabetes. It is available in the Kamloops Public Library.

The diet limits the diabetic’s daily carbohydrate load to under 72gm. This will cure diabetes in over 90% of patients. If you have cancer, reading this book and following the program, may avoid a re-occurrence. Of course, use all the WAPF methods of food preparation.

I have personally seen what this program can do. It has had excellent results in the people who can follow the program. If you decide to go for the cure, update me with your progress and any problems. If more people know about this program, at least people have the choice between palliative care or cure.

A good essay on diabetes is called Treating Diabetes: Practical Advice for Combating a Modern Epidemic by Dr Tom Cowan. Here is a WAPF book review for Life Without Bread.

Updated March 14, 2010: This is a link to an audio presentation with Dr Joseph Mercola and Dr Richard Johnson. Dr Johnson has been researching the mechanism of how uric acid is a major component of obesity, high blood pressure and kidney disease. He found fructose will increase uric acid formation and quickly cause insulin resistance in human pilot studies. I have said before that fructose is one of the worst food additives. This is another good reason to stop eating all processed industrial foods.

Homegrown Revolution


This is an enormous beef concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) in California, US. The smell radiated for miles in all directions. There were signs everywhere not to take photos. If you want to avoid this kind of meat you will need to build a relationship with a local rancher to get pastured animals.


This is a picture of a dairy concentrated animal feedlot operation (CAFO) in California, US. It was a humongous operation with signs all over the place not to take photos. If you drink milk from the industrial food system your milk comes from a place like this.

This YouTube short video is called Homegrown Revolution. It was forwarded to me by a member of the Kamloops Urban Hen Movement. Watch their website for more information about an upcoming showing of the full length film.

If you’re hungry for more, watch The Meatrix, a spoof on the hit film The Matrix. Just give me an oink if you like it.