Weston A Price Foundation Updates Website

The Weston A Price Foundation website has been updated. This means many of the links on eatkamloops.org will not be working for a few days until I can reset all the links. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. The new Weston A Price Foundation website can be found here.

Updated December 16, 2009: I have gone through eatkamloops.org and corrected most of the links. I could not find a few of the essays on the new WAPF website, which I hope to find over the next few days. The new WAPF website is extremely well organized. It is much easier to find information about a particular subject.

Sally Fallon on Raw Milk

One resource I am very happy to have access to is the Weston A Price Chapter Leaders bulletin board. This yahoo group is a way for WAPF Chapter Leaders all over the world to communicate with each other. The group keeps me up-to-date with new information and screens material through an incredible group of knowledgeable people. The hard part for me is choosing the best information to pass on.

This lecture is 1:15 minutes by Sally Fallon to the Northeast Organic Farming Association, Massachusetts Chapter. Please have patience with the poor audio quality. The content is excellent. Sally Fallon talks about the safety issues around raw milk. She talks passionately about the health of children and what we as parents can do to help ensure our children become healthy adults. She answers questions from the audience which I found very interesting.

I hope you enjoy Sally Fallon talking about Raw Milk to NOFA Massachusetts Chapter.

Extended Interview with Sally Fallon

I enjoyed my first day at the Kamloops Farmer’s Market. It was a rainy day so it was good to see so many people out buying fresh local food. I enjoyed meeting members of our community interested in eating whole foods.

For those of you new to this website and the Weston A Price Foundation, I have an short five minute video by Sally Fallon that may answer some of your questions and covers the basics. If you have more time, here is three, ten minute sections from a five hour lecture by Sally Fallon during the Weston A Price 2008 Conference. Sally Fallon is the author of Nourishing Traditions and president of the Weston A Price Foundation. In this interview Sally Fallon introduces the research of Dr Weston Price and basic concepts of nourishing traditional foods. She explains why it is so important to carefully prepare grains, legumes, nuts and beans for easier digestion and the dangers of soy. She talks about raw milk, raw milk safety and enforcement.

This is just a small sample of the full lecture. If you would like more information, Sally Fallon has two DVDs called Nourishing Traditional Diets and The Oiling of America.

WAPF Shopping Guide 2009

The new WAPF Shopping Guide for Canada is out. I was able to get some of our local farms and ranches in the new guide. If you would like to have a favorite farm put in the guide for next year, submit the information to: canadawapfguide@gmail.com. I will have copies of the WAPF Shopping Guide available for $1.50 at the Kamloops Farmer’s Market on August 15 and 22, 2009. There will be free informational brochures and copies of the WAPF Journal Wise Traditions. We are hoping to host potlucks and information sessions on traditional nourishing foods starting in September 2009.

I hope to see you at the Kamloops Farmer’s Market on August 15 and 22, 2009!

Swine Flu: What to Do

The Weston A. Price Foundation has sent a Swine Flu Information Alert to members. Below is a summary of the information in the Alert.

Most of us have heard about the outbreak of swine flu in La Gloria, Mexico. Many residents of this small village blame the infection and/or toxins coming from local confinement hog operations.

Conventional medicine would recommend the isolation of ill people, hand washing, face masks, and taking anti-viral drugs. These drugs have numerous serious side effects in some people. There is little mention of building natural immunity.

It’s so easy to to be scared and do nothing. Fortunately, we don’t have to be helpless. We can build our natural immunity by feeding ourselves and families nourishing, traditional foods.

Some simple steps to build natural immunity are:
1. Eat a healthy diet based on nourishing, traditional foods. Eliminate or severely reduce processed foods and refined carbohydrates.
2. Vitamins A and D in cod liver oil offers strong protection against infections and environmental toxins.
3. Vitamin C from whole food sources will protect against infection and be better absorbed by the body.
4. Healthy gut flora provides about 85% of our immunity to infectious disease and environmental toxins. Consume lacto-fermented foods and drinks every day. Avoid foods that disrupt healthy gut flora such as processed foods and refined carbohydrates.
5. Bone broth is full of minerals and gelatin. It helps nourish and regenerate the gut, which will improve immunity.
6. Add virgin coconut oil to your daily diet. Our body takes lauric acid found in coconut oil and converts it into monolaurin. Swine flu is a lipid coated virus which will become inactivated by sufficient amounts of monolaurin.


This book is for women that are afraid to eat fat.

Dr. Mary Enig, an international lipid specialist, has calculated that two to three tablespoons of coconut oil a day will fight infection. Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Dr. Mary Enig is a good source of recipes to add more coconut oil to your diet. You can get this book through inter-library loan from the Kamloops Public Library.

Update June 25, 2009: On the Weston A Price leader bulletin board was a link to this CBS 60 Minutes documentary about swine flu. This documentary is from the 1976 swine flu “epidemic”. It was aired once in the US and never shown again. Please watch this 14 minute program and two commercial aired at the time: 60 Minutes 1976 Swine Flu.

Update November 3, 2009: This is a audio presentation from www.mercola.com about swine flu immunization. If you are pregnant or considering getting the vaccination, please listen to this presentation called Swine Flu: One of the Most Massive Medical Cover-ups.